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Kratom Germany

White Indo

White Indo

Regular price €4,99 EUR
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Borneo, one of the largest islands in Southeast Asia, is home to a variety of kratom trees. The special variety “White Indo” comes from wild forests on Borneo.

White Indo Kratom is made from the young leaves of the Kratom tree. The leaves have a bright white appearance at this stage of development, which gives rise to their name.


  1. Stimulant Effects: White Indo Kratom is known for its stimulant properties. It can help increase energy and reduce fatigue, which can improve mental alertness and productivity.

  2. Improved tremendous strength and focus: Many users benefit from improved tremendous strength and increased focus after taking exceptional Indo Kratom. This can help in better focusing on tasks and being productive.

  3. Mood Elevation: Some users experienced a mild mood elevating effect from white Indo Kratom. It may help reduce feelings of anxiety and promote an overall feeling of well-being.

  4. Pain Relief: Although white Indo Kratom is primarily known for its stimulant properties, some users may also experience some pain relief. It can help with mild to moderate pain, although other strains like red Kratom are often preferred for this.

  5. Euphoric Effects: In higher doses, white Indo Kratom can have a slightly euphoric effect. This can help increase overall well-being and enhance positive feelings.

Effect: Concentration, Stimulating, Mood enhancement, Pain relief
Origin: Borneo, Indonesia
veins: white

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