Kratom: Die natürliche Alternative nach dem Kava Kava-Verbot

Kratom: The natural alternative after the Kava Kava ban

The ban on Kava Kava in Germany

Kava Kava , also known as narcotic pepper, has long been a popular herbal remedy for relaxation and anxiety relief. The calming effect of this traditional medicinal plant from the Pacific Islands has been a valuable support for many people in their everyday lives. However, since 2002, the sale of Kava Kava has been banned in Germany. The reason for this is reports of serious liver damage, some of which has even been fatal. These incidents led to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) banning the sale of Kava Kava and products containing Kava Kava .

The rise of the pharmaceutical industry since the ban

Since the ban on Kava Kava, the pharmaceutical industry has gained significant importance . The market for synthetic drugs has experienced enormous growth, particularly in the area of treating anxiety, stress and sleep problems. Benzodiazepines, antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs are now widely used to treat these conditions. With the restriction of natural alternatives such as Kava Kava, pharmaceutical companies have been able to position their products more strongly and have thus benefited from the changed market situation.

Kratom: A promising alternative

Amidst these developments, Kratom has emerged as a natural alternative to now hard-to-find herbal sedatives such as Kava Kava. Kratom, a plant native to Southeast Asia, has a long history of medicinal use. It is valued for its versatile effects, which can range from analgesic to sedative to stimulant , depending on the dosage and strain.

For people looking for an herbal alternative following the ban on kava kava, kratom offers an interesting option. It also acts on the central nervous system and can help relieve anxiety and promote relaxation.

Why Kratom?

Kratom offers a natural alternative to synthetic drugs, which are often associated with side effects and addiction risks. It is particularly attractive for people who are looking for a herbal solution to their health problems and who trust in the positive effects of medicinal plants. In our shop we offer you a carefully selected range of Kratom products that meet the highest standards in terms of quality and safety.


Following the ban on Kava Kava in Germany, the pharmaceutical industry has gained a lot of influence, especially in the area of treating anxiety and stress. For those looking for natural alternatives, Kratom is a promising option. It combines the calming and anti-anxiety properties of Kava Kava with other health-promoting effects and can be a useful addition to conventional treatment methods. In our shop you will find high-quality Kratom products that can help you bring more balance and well-being into your life in a natural way.

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