"Jetzt handeln, um das Kratom-Verbot in Deutschland abzuwenden (EKA)"

"Act now to avert the Kratom ban in Germany (EKA)"

We are at a critical turning point for the future of Kratom in Germany. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is currently considering a possible ban on this natural substance, following Belgium's recent move. Such a ban could have serious consequences, and we need your support to ensure balanced and informed regulation of Kratom.

Why this topic is important:

- Public health: It is estimated that around 1.5 million people in Germany rely on kratom to cope with their daily lives. A ban could force these people to turn to unsafe alternatives.

- Scientific research: A ban could significantly impact ongoing research into kratom as a potentially safe alternative to opioids.

- Personal freedom: This decision affects our fundamental right to make informed decisions about our health and well-being.

- European precedent : Germany's decision is likely to influence policies throughout the European Union.

What you can do:

- Sign the petition: Make a statement and support access to Kratom.

- Share your experiences : Contact local and national politicians and tell them about your positive experiences with Kratom.

- Spread the petition : Educate those around you about the potential impact of a Kratom ban and the importance of this petition.

- Stay informed : Follow developments and be prepared to take further action if necessary.

Additional Information:

For over a century, natural health alternatives have been increasingly restricted, often under the guise of consumer protection. In the United States, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 secured access to many natural health products - thanks to the commitment of informed citizens. We must continue to take this approach now.

Your voice counts:

Decision makers need to hear from people like you. Your experiences and insights can help ensure that decisions about kratom are made on an informed basis that takes both users and society into account.

Now is the time to act!

While there is no immediate deadline, it is important that we take action now while the decision is still pending. By making our voices heard together, we can help promote a more informed and balanced approach to regulating kratom in Germany and potentially across Europe.

Sign the petition to protect access to kratom and other natural alternatives. Together we can defend our right to make informed decisions about our health.

To the petition

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