Kratom contains chemical compounds that have both stimulant and opioid effects, making it a unique herbal remedy that has been used safely for hundreds , if not thousands, of years. The Kratom plant is a cousin of the coffee tree, but is much more complex in terms of its chemical composition. In fact, Kratom is much more similar in complexity to Cannabis sativa, which contains over 500 chemical compounds, including over 100 cannabinoids. Kratom contains hundreds
There are at least 54 alkaloids in kratom, although many of them are present in such small amounts as to be almost undetectable.1 The most common alkaloids in kratom are mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine, payantheine, speciogynine, and speciociliatine, while some of the minor alkaloids include mitraphylline, corynoxeine , speciophylline, and corynantheidine.
Alkaloids contained
- 7-Hydroxymitragaginine - Analgesic / painkiller (opioid receptor agonist), antidiarrheal, antitussive - 1.5 - 2.5%
- Mitragynine - Analgesic/painkiller (opioid receptor agonist), adrenergic receptor agonist (mild stimulant), antimalarial - 40 - 75% [Lowest recorded level: 12%]
- Speciogynine - antinociceptive effect
- Mitraphylline - muscle relaxant, vasodilator, antihypertensive, anti-amnesic, immune system stimulant, antileukemic - less than 1%
- Epicatechin (EGC) - Antioxidant, antiviral, anti-mutagenic, anti-leukemic, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic. Commonly found in green tea. - 1%
- 9-Hydroxycorynantheidine - Painkiller / Analgesic - 1%
- Corynantheidine - Mu Opiod Antagonist - less than 1%
- Isomitraphylline - immune system stimulant - less than 1%
- Isomitraffolin - Immune system stimulant - less than 1%
- Isorhynchophylline - Immune system stimulant - less than 1%
- Isopteropodine - Immune system stimulant - less than 1%
- Ziliaphylline - analgesic, antitussive - less than 1%
- Corynoxin A - dopamine mediator - less than 1%
- Corynoxin B - dopamine mediator - less than 1%
- Ajmalicine - Sedatives (anti-adrenergic), increase blood flow to the brain, smooth muscle relaxation - less than 1%
- Rhynchophylline - Anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, antihypertensive - less than 1%
- Speciociliatin - Mild opioid receptor agonist - less than 1%
- Speciophylline - Antileukemia - less than 1%
- TetrahydroAlstonin - anti-adrenergic, lowers blood sugar - less than 1%
- Akuammigine - inactive - less than 1%
- Mitrafoline - inactive - less than 1%
- Mitraversine - inactive - less than 1%
- Speciofoline - inactive - less than 1%
- Stipulatin - inactive - less than 1%
And that's not all the alkaloids; the plant is only just being studied for medicinal purposes in Europe. Kratom has enormous potential for use in the field of medicine, its changes and advancements.